Photo Plastic Surgery Pro 3.1
Photo Plastic Surgery is a cross-platform(Android/ios/Mac/Win8/WindowsPhone8) photo processing software. Itis a professional and reliable software designed to enable you toperform plastic surgery for your digital photos. It is simple touse, and powerful. Give it a try and see what it can really do foryou.Most of the functions are listed below:>Body Contouring.>Weight loss.>Thin Face, Thin Arms, Thin Legs, Thin Belly.>Plump Muscle.>Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift, Breast Reduction.>Abdominal Liposuction.>Buttocks Augmentation.>Facial Plastic.>Brow Lift.>Chin Augmentation.>Make Funny.DISCLAIMER:ALTHOUGH WE TRY TO MAKE THIS SOFTWARE SIMULATE THE EFFECT AFTERPLASTIC SURGERY AS CLOSELY AS POSSIBLE, BUT IT IS NOT TRUE AFTERALL. ANY EFFECT PRODUCED BY THIS SOFTWARE IS ONLY A REFERENCE FORYOU, IT CAN NOT BE A BASIS FOR YOUR DECISION. WE ARE NOTRESPONSIBLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENCES.
Photo Plastic Surgery GIF Make 3.1
************************************************What is Photo Plastic Surgery GIF Maker?************************************************Photo Plastic Surgery GIF Maker is a cross-platform(iOS/Android/Mac/Win8/WP8) software that enable you to performplastic surgery for your digital photo and save as gif animationformat. Not only you can use it to do plastic surgery for photo,but also create a gif animation file to show the change process.You will find that it is a very useful and funny software, give ita try!************************************************What can it do?************************************************1> Stretch, expand, shrink, rotate, scale photo.2> Generate a smooth gif movie file from multiple photo keyframes.3> Make spoof photo, create morph animation.************************************************How to use it?************************************************1> Open a photo.2> Crop the photo to the appropriate size. You'd better selectthe part required only, as much as possible to reduce the final giffile size.3> Create the necessary key frames, then use the tools to editthem. The software will generate intermediate framesautomatically.4> Save animations to a gif file. Be sure to select appropriatesize and frames.
Beautiful Fish Screensaver 2.1
First, it must be noted that Beautiful FishScreensaver is NOT a real screensaver, it is actually anapplication. HOWEVER, its realistic effects and vivid sounds willbring you a different experience. You will feel that your phonescreen showing real live fishes swimming in the water. There are 8kinds of fish and 3 living environments for fishes, you are free tochoose the type and quantity of fish and environment. Give it a tryand see what feeling it can bring you. Enjoy it quickly!
Photo Plastic Surgery Pro Free 8.0.1
Photo Plastic Surgery Professional is aprofessional, powerful, simple, and easy to use application thatenable you edit digital photos to simulate plastic surgery results.****************************WHAT CAN YOU DO WITH IT?****************************• Simulate plastic surgery results. For plastic surgeon or personwho wants to change their appearance, use it to simulate a varietyof plastic surgery, provide a reference for decision-making.• Digital photo cosmetic beautification. You can use it edit yourdigital photos, improve your photos on social networkingapplications or others, achieve satisfactory results youwant.• Edit photos for fun. Use it to generate a lot of funny,exaggerated effect.****************************WHAT ARE THE MAIN FUNCTIONS?****************************• Double eyelid• Ptosis correction• Remove red eye• Remove eye bags• Epicanthus correction• Eye reconstruction• Small eye correction• Tattoo eyebrow• Eyebrow correction• Nose correction• Tattoo lips• Mouth correction• Face correction• Skin microdermabrasion whitening• Remove scar• Remove acne• Breast augmentation, lift• Thin waist, lean belly, thin legs• Full muscle.• Morph, expanse, shrink, rotate any part of the picture• Create funny• Photo crop, resize, rotate, flip• Photo brightness, contrast adjustment.IMPORTANT: Functions mentioned above may not be applied for eachphoto. By photo shooting angle and resolution influence, somefeatures may not achieve the desired effect or can notachieved.****************************HOW TO USE IT?****************************To get full play to the functions of this program, it isrecommended to use it on the large screen display device.• Import photo. Import photo from your device's gallery, the photobackground color should be a single, well-lit shooting, the outlineclearly visible. After import photo, you can scale, flip, rotate,crop it. Note that irrelevant content of the photo should be cutout as much as possible, so that the photo size is as small aspossible after import, this can increase the speed and performanceof the program.• Processing photo. The program provides a variety of tools for thephoto processing. Note that some operations or processing time tobe longer, the percentage of the progress of the interface mayappear, please be patient. In use, you can attempt to zoom in orout the view, undo and redo the recent operation. We offer a lot ofvideo to help you use this software, please visit:• Export photo. After the photo processing is completed, you canexport your results by choosing export types, such as single viewor comparison view. Different platforms and operating systems, thedefault export directory will be different.****************************DISCLAIMER****************************Although we have tried to simulate the results of plasticsurgery as much as possible, but there may be a huge differencebetween the actual results and the simulation results. Thissoftware is only a digital image processing application, give you areference by simulation results, it can not be used as the basis ofyour final decision. In this regard, we do not assume anyresponsibility. Only a certified surgeon will be able to assesswhat is achievable. Before considering any plastic surgeryprocedure, you must always evaluate with a certified surgeon.
PhotoPlasticSurgeryGIFMaker 2
************************************************What is Photo Plastic Surgery GIF Maker?************************************************Photo Plastic Surgery GIF Maker is across-platform(iOS/Android/Mac/Win8/WP8) software that enable youto performplastic surgery for your digital photo and save as gifanimationformat. Not only you can use it to do plastic surgery forphoto,but also create a gif animation file to show the changeprocess.You will find that it is a very useful and funny software,give ita try!************************************************What can it do?************************************************1> Stretch, expand, shrink, rotate, scale photo.2> Generate a smooth gif movie file from multiple photokeyframes.3> Make spoof photo, create morph animation.************************************************How to use it?************************************************1> Open a photo.2> Crop the photo to the appropriate size. You'd betterselectthe part required only, as much as possible to reduce thefinal giffile size.3> Create the necessary key frames, then use the tools toeditthem. The software will generate intermediateframesautomatically.4> Save animations to a gif file. Be sure to selectappropriatesize and frames.
Virtual Plastic Surgery Pro 2020.1
1. What is Virtual Plastic Surgery Pro? Virtual Plastic SurgeryProis a software that simulates plastic surgery. Thesoftwareprocesses digital photos to achieve the effect ofplasticsimulation. 2. Which users are suitable for Virtual PlasticSurgeryPro? A. Beauty seekers: Beauty seekers can easily use thissoftwareto simulate the effect of plastic surgery on their own,without theneed for professional medical equipment, and withouthaving to goto the hospital or meet with a plastic surgeon, you canobtain apreliminary reference of the plastic surgery effect. B.Plasticsurgeon or consultant: By using this software, it ismoreconvenient and intuitive to simulate the effect of plasticsurgery,and provide strong support for patients to designcosmeticprograms. C. Retouching designer: Use this software tobeautifypeople's photos. Of course, you can also do spoofing. 3.How to useVirtual Plastic Surgery Pro? If you need to simulate theshape ofthe front face, import a decent and clear picture of thefrontface. If you need to simulate the shape of the side face orotherparts of the body, import a photo of the relevant body part.4.What functions does the current version of the VirtualPlasticSurgery Pro provide? At present, the software can simulatemostplastic surgery projects, including some photo beautificationandcommon tools. A. Face: Face Thin Face Chin Face Lower JawFaceTemple Face Philtrum Face Whitening B. Eye Eye Inner CornerEyeOuter Corner Eye Lower Move Down Eye Position HorizontalEyePosition Vertical Eye Size Eye Size Horizontal Eye SizeVerticalEye Rotation Redeye C. Brow Brow Position Horizontal BrowPositionVertical Brow Rotation Brow Size Brow Size Horizontal BrowSizeVertical D. Nose Nose Position Horizontal Nose PositionVerticalNose Size Nose Rotation Nose Size Horizontal Nose SizeVerticalNose Nasal Base E. Mouth Mouth M Lips Mouth Corner RiseMouth SizeMouth Size Horizontal Mouth Size Vertical Mouth PositionHorizontalMouth Position Vertical Mouth Rotation F. Body UniversalDeformTool Universal Copy Tool G. Common Tools Graffiti MosaicAdjustColor 5. What are the precautions for using the software? A.Theplastic surgery effect produced by this software is only theeffectsimulated by computer, it has huge differences from theactualplastic surgery, and it is even impossible to achieve. Youcannotuse the plastic surgery effect produced by this software asthebasis for your decision on actual plastic surgery orrelatedbehaviors. Plastic surgery involves a very high risk.Beforeconsidering plastic surgery, you must go to a regularhospital,consult a qualified plastic surgeon, and make acomprehensiveassessment of the details, possibilities, successrates, finalresults, and costs of the specific plastic surgery. B.You onlyneed to make one payment to use the software and relatedservicesfor life, and get subsequent version upgrades for free.Thesubsequent versions will add more simulation and shapingprojectsand continuously improve the authenticity of thesimulation.